What's new in the Hotjavva Studio? Lots!!! I now have a facebook fan page that is exclusive to proud owners of my artwork for one. Owners of Nicole Javvaji's Art on Facebook There is a contest happening right now for all you competitive types who love the thrill of winning free stuff. All you have to do is submit a photo of my artwork in your home, then wait patiently til Sunday. The winner will be selected randomly. Have I peaked your interest? Wondering what you might win?
Well you will have to become a facebook fan to find that out ;)
So what else, what else... I created a giant (24" x 36") space painting! I've had this Hubble photo of the Orion Nebula for a while and I finally got the courage to attempt it. I think I will be adding some sparkle to it ala glitter and crystals, but I am pretty happy with the way it looks. You cannot imagine how many layers of translucent color I've got here. I used makeup sponges to blend and I actually wore my fingers down til there was bloodbeneath my nails. I know- eww!
If you really like my painting click http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41131454 to go to my Etsy shop where you can see more of it.
Thanks always for taking the time to read my blog, I love being able to share with the world!